A downloadable game

In the nocturnal and dangerous Jungle of the planet Pandora, planet of origin of our Machine, we take control of a predatory Entity consisting of 2 "individuals" (a "small" capable of producing light and a "big" which is the main body) which must feed to keep the entity active. Take part in one of her night hunting sessions and try to satisfy the beast before it falls asleep, waiting for the next night!

This game was made in a jam organized by our school lasting three days. Produced by a team of 7 people, we were asked to create a game using an arcade with atypical controls and for constraint of "theme" the "light" and the "symbiote".

Controls : 

Mouse cursor :  Move 

Click Wheel : Flash (WIP)

Left Click : Throw the light in front of you (WIP)

Credit : 

Game Art - N'GUY Zoé

Game Art -  WENDLING William


Game Designer -  KAROUTCHÉ Ethan 

Game Designer - FERMIN Scotty

Game Prog - VINE Antoine

Game Prog - BULLOCK Francis

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